Cek Plagiasi: Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan. Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License. (Submitted)

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This study aims to describe the inquiry learning interaction patterns on data collection and data presentation in terms of metacognitive activities. Interaction in inquiry learning allows children to help one another and learn from one another in constructing mathematical knowledge. Researchers observed the learning process of the fifth-grader at SDN 13 Ampenan Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this study consisted of 30 fifth graders involved in small groups of classrooms learning and interaction. Data collection is done through classroom observation and the entire learning process recordings. The researcher also made field notes during the learning process. The results of the analysis show that there are three interaction patterns formed. There are 1) interaction patterns between students and teachers, 2) interaction patterns among students and learning resources, 3)interaction patterns among students, teachers, andlearning resources. The interaction pattern between students and teacher occurred dominantly at the orientation and conclusion stages. The interaction pattern between students and students and learning resources predominantly occurs at the stage of problem-solving. The interaction pattern between students and students, teachers, and learning sources were more dominant in the stages of preparing hypotheses, data collection, and data analysis. Through inquiry learning, students are able to construct their own knowledge better through meaningful learning where they are fully involved in observing and measuring activities with their friends in a group. In-group inquiry learning also encourages the emergence of students' metacognitive activities.

Item Type: Other
Uncontrolled Keywords: Learning-Interaction, Inquiry Learning, Metacognitive Activities, Elementary School
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Q Science > Q Science (General)
Q Science > QA Mathematics
Depositing User: lp3m-repo
Date Deposited: 27 Oct 2022 05:58
Last Modified: 27 Oct 2022 05:58
URI: http://repository.undikma.ac.id/id/eprint/467

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