Items where Year is 2020
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Arjudin, Arjudin and Sa’dijah, Cholis and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Characteristic Of The Incomplete Mathematical Connections In Understanding Of Algebraic Problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)
Arjudin, Arjudin and Sa’dijah, Cholis and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2020) Characteristic Of The Incomplete Mathematical Connections In Understanding Of Algebraic Problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 9 (03). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616
Arrafii, Arsyad (2020) Corresponding and Revisions: "Contextual Barriers and Opportunities for Implementation of AfL Reform in Indonesia". Asia Pacific Journal of Education. (Submitted)
Arrafii, Arsyad (2020) Corresponding and Revisions: "Teachers' Conceptions of Values and Dimensions of Assessment Practice: The Effect of Teachers' Characteristics". Teaching and Teacher Education. (Submitted)
Arrafii, Arsyad (2020) Corresponding and Revisions: "Tensions in the Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment in the Context of Assessment Reform". Curriculum Journal. (Submitted)
Arrafii, Mohammad Arsyad (2020) Grade and grade inflation: exploring teachers' grading practices in Indonesian EFL secondary school classrooms. Taylor & Francis.
Candra, Widia (2020) Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Anak-Anak Sekolah Dasar di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Puyung Kecamatan Jonggat. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Nisyah, Mir’Atun and Kusdiastuti, Mahesti and Herayanti, Lovy (2020) Bukti Korespondensi "Improving Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Using Inquiry Learning Model Combined with Advance Organizer". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Nisyah, Mir’Atun and Kusdiastuti, Mahesti and Herayanti, Lovy (2020) Similarity Check "Improving Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Using Inquiry Learning Model Combined with Advance Organizer". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Suranti, N M Y and Herayanti, Lovy and Imran, I (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "The impact of learning management system implementation on students’ understanding of mechanics concepts". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Suranti, N M Y and Herayanti, Lovy and Imran, I (2020) Similarity Check: "The impact of learning management system implementation on students’ understanding of mechanics concepts". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Mashami, Ratna A and Herayanti, Lovy (2020) Bukti Korespondensi "Gender Description on Problem-Solving Skills in Chemistry Learning Using Interactive Multimedia". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Mashami, Ratna A and Herayanti, Lovy (2020) Similarity Check "Gender Description on Problem-Solving Skills in Chemistry Learning Using Interactive Multimedia". [Artefact]
Harjono, Ahmad and Gunawan, Gunawan and Adawiyah, Rabiatul and Herayanti, Lovy (2020) Bukti Korespondensi "An Interactive e-Book for Physics to Improve Students' Conceptual Mastery". [Artefact]
Harjono, Ahmad and Gunawan, Gunawan and Adawiyah, Rabiatul and Herayanti, Lovy (2020) Similarity Check "An Interactive e-Book for Physics to Improve Students' Conceptual Mastery". [Artefact]
Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, Sutarto and Nasirin, Chairun (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to the Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram. (Submitted)
Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, SutartoChairun and Nasirin, Chairun (2020) The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to the Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 8 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN p-ISSN: 2338-4530 , e-ISSN: 2540-7899
Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan. Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License. (Submitted)
Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8 (3). pp. 942-947. ISSN 42-947
Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2020) Development Of Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning Model To Improve Elementary School Students‘ Metacognitive Ability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 9 (02). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616
Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2020) The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning in Improving Metacognitive Skill of Elementary School Students. International Journal of Instruction, 13 (4). pp. 315-330. ISSN e-ISSN: 1308-1470
Herayanti, Lovy and Widodo, Wahono and Susantini, Endang and Gunawan, Gunawan (2020) Bukti Korespondensi "The effectiveness of blended learning model based on inquiry collaborative tutorial toward students’ problem-solving skills in physics". [Artefact]
Herayanti, Lovy and Widodo, Wahono and Susantini, Endang and Gunawan, Gunawan (2020) Similarity Check : "The effectiveness of blended learning model based on inquiry collaborative tutorial toward students’ problem-solving skills in physics". [Artefact]
Irmansyah, Johan and Lumintuarso, Ria and Sugiyanto, FX and Sukoco, Pamuji (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "Children’s social skills through traditional sport games in primary schools". [Artefact]
Irmansyah, Johan and Lumintuarso, Ria and Sugiyanto, FX and Sukoco, Pamuji (2020) Similarity Check: "Children’s social skills through traditional sport games in primary schools". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Masjudin, Masjudin and Muzaki, Ahmad and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Lesnawati, Yesi and Rahayu, Sri and Setiawan, Nur (2020) Bukti KOrespondensi: "Mobile-Nature of Science Model of Learning for Supporting Student Performance on General Chemistry Classroom". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Masjudin, Masjudin and Muzaki, Ahmad and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Lesnawati, Yesi and Rahayu, Sri and Setiawan, Nur (2020) Similarity Check: "Mobile-Nature of Science Model of Learning for Supporting Student Performance on General Chemistry Classroom". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "The influence of mobile–NOS model on students understanding on Nature of Science (NOS) and scientific literacy". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati (2020) Similarity Check: “The influence of mobile–NOS model on students understanding on Nature of Science (NOS) and scientific literacy". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Aini, M (2020) Similarity Check: “The Influence of Mobile-NOS Model of Learning towards Students Understanding on the Nature of Science". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "The influence of mobile learning with oriented NOS to students learning performances". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and suryati, suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Aini, M (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "The Influence of Mobile-NOS Model of Learning towards Students Understanding on the Nature of Science". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and suryati, suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2020) Similarity Check: “The influence of mobile learning with oriented NOS to students learning performances". [Artefact]
Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzanni, Ahmad and Ahmad, Hariadi and Rahman, Arif and Hardiani, Nur (2020) Improving Content Knowledge and Technological Skill of University Instructors: A Case Study for Online Learning Implementation during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Creative Commons Attribution License.
Nissa, Ita Chairun and Sukarma, I Ketut and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Problem-based learning with role-playing: An experiment on prospective mathematics teachers. Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika. (Submitted)
Nissa, Ita Chairun and Sukarma, I Ketut and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) Problem-based learning with role-playing: An experiment on prospective mathematics teachers. Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 13 (1). pp. 14-32.
Nufida, Baiq Asma and Khery, Yusran and Suryati, Suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "Correlation amongst understanding of NOS, conceptual understanding, and science process skill of undergraduate students on general chemistry". [Artefact]
Nufida, Baiq Asma and Khery, Yusran and Suryati, Suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2020) Similarity Check: “Correlation amongst understanding of NOS, conceptual understanding, and science process skill of undergraduate students on general chemistry". [Artefact]
Prayogi, Saiful and Samsuri, Taufik and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Rahmawati, Rahmawati (2020) Propective Science-Teachers' Services Satisfaction: an Exploratory Studies in Private Education Institutions in Indonesia. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.
Prayogi, Saiful and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2020) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Conflict Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry-based Learning on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. ECPS Journal.
Prayogi, Saiful and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2020) The Effect of Conflict Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry-based Learning on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. LED, Edizioni Universitarie - Italy, Italy.
Rahman, Arif and Asmaradhani, Ahmad Idris and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Phonological Investigation Into Students’ Mispronunciation Of English Words Containing Phonemes Absent In Indonesian. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)
Rahman, Arif and Asmaradhani, Ahmad Idris and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) Phonological Investigation Into Students’ Mispronunciation Of English Words Containing Phonemes Absent In Indonesian. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 9 (04). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616
Ramdani, Agus and Utami, Septiana Dwi and Efendi, Ismail and Dewi, Ika Nurani and Rohyani, Immy Suci (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "Local wisdom integrated biology learning program as an alternative to increase generic science skills". [Artefact]
Ramdani, Agus and Utami, Septiana Dwi and Efendi, Ismail and Dewi, Ika Nurani and Rohyani, Immy Suci (2020) Similarity Check: "Local wisdom integrated biology learning program as an alternative to increase generic science skills". [Artefact]
Suhirman, Suhirman and Yusuf, Yusuf and Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students' Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. Kassel University Press GMBH, Germany, Germany.
Suhirman, Yusuf and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.
Sutarto, Sutarto and Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Etnomatematika: Eksplorasi Kebudayaan Mbojo Sebagai Sumber Belajar Matematika. JP2M (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika). (Submitted)
Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat (2020) An analysis of students' difficulties in conjecturing process of block paving problems. ICOPAMBS 2019 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1465
Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Haifaturrahmah, Haifaturrahmah (2020) Analisis Kemampuan Metakognisi Mahasiswa PGSD Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika. JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia, 3 (1). pp. 61-71. ISSN p-ISSN 2722-8134, e-ISSN 2620-8466
Utami, Septiana Dwi and Dewi, Ika Nurani and Efendi, Ismail and Ramdani, Agus and Rohyani, Immy Suci (2020) Bukti Korespondensi: "The effectiveness of Biology Integrated Learning (BIL) program with local wisdom in area of TNGR Lombok to improve students’ self-efficacy". [Artefact]
Utami, Septiana Dwi and Dewi, Ika Nurani and Efendi, Ismail and Ramdani, Agus and Rohyani, Immy Suci (2020) Similarity Check: "The effectiveness of Biology Integrated Learning (BIL) program with local wisdom in area of TNGR Lombok to improve students’ self-efficacy". [Artefact]
Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Models Intervened by Reflective Processes to Promote Critical Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style. Kassel University Press GMBH, Germany, Germany.
Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Models Intervened by Reflective Processes to Promote Critical Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.
Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful and Yusup, Muhammad Yusril and Taha, Hafsah (2020) Development of the Test Instrument for Measuring Students' Critical Thinking Abilities on Fluid Material. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA), Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.
Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful and Yusup, Muhammad Yusril and Taha, Hafsah (2020) Development of the Test Instrument for Measuring Students' Critical Thinking Abilities on Fluid Material. [Artefact]
Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Ayub, Syahrial and Putriawati, Wiwin and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) EFFECT OF INQUIRY CREATIVE PROCESS LEARNING MODELS ON IMPROVING THE CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY OF PROSPECTIVE SCIENCE TEACHERS. [Artefact]