Items where Division is "Biro > Biro Administrasi Umum" and Year is 2019
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Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2019) Prosiding: Conceptual Framework of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Preservice Physics Teachers. ICRIEMS 6 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1397. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)
Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Ayub, S. and Prayogi, S. (2019) Prosiding: Effectiveness of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers. MISEIC 2019 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1417. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)
Asy'ari, Muhammad and Ikhsan, Muhamad and Muhali, Muhali (2019) Similarity Check: "The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Model in Improving Prospective Teachers’ Metacognition Knowledge and Metacognition Awareness". [Artefact]
Asy’ari, Muhammad and Ikhsan, Muhamad and Muhali, Muhali (2019) Bukti Korespondensi; "The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Model in Improving Prospective Teachers’ Metacognition Knowledge and Metacognition Awareness". [Artefact]
Dewi, Citra Ayu and Khery, Yusran and Erna, Maria (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: An ethnoscience study in chemistry learning to develop scientific literacy". [Artefact]
Dewi, Citra Ayu and Khery, Yusran and Erna, Maria (2019) Similarity Check: "An ethnoscience study in chemistry learning to develop scientific literacy". [Artefact]
Dewi, Ika Nurani and Ibrahim, Muslimin and Poedjiastoeti, Sri and Prahani, Binar Kurnia and setiawan, Joni and sumarjan, sumarjan (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Effectiveness of local wisdom integrated (LWI) learning model to improve scientific communication skills of junior high school students in science learning". [Artefact]
Dewi, Ika Nurani and Ibrahim, Muslimin and Poedjiastoeti, Sri and Prahani, Binar Kurnia and setiawan, Joni and sumarjan, sumarjan (2019) Similarity Check: "Effectiveness of local wisdom integrated (LWI) learning model to improve scientific communication skills of junior high school students in science learning". [Artefact]
Dewi, S M and Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Susilawati, Susilawati and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Generative learning models assisted by virtual laboratory to improve mastery of student physics concept". [Artefact]
Dewi, S M and Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Susilawati, Susilawati and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Similarity Check: "Generative learning models assisted by virtual laboratory to improve mastery of student physics concept". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Herayanti, Lovy and Husein, Sadam (2019) Bukti Korespondensi : "Problem-Based Learning Approach with Supported Interactive Multimedia in Physics Course: Its Effects on Critical Thinking Disposition". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Herayanti, Lovy and Husein, Sadam (2019) Similarity Check : "Problem-Based Learning Approach with Supported Interactive Multimedia in Physics Course: Its Effects on Critical Thinking Disposition". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Hermansyah, Hermansyah and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "GUIDED INQUIRY MODEL THROUGH VIRTUAL LABORATORY TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS ON HEAT CONCEPT". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Hermansyah, Hermansyah and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Similarity Check ; "GUIDED INQUIRY MODEL THROUGH VIRTUAL LABORATORY TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS ON HEAT CONCEPT". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Nisyah, Mir’Atun and Kusdiastuti, Mahesti and Herayanti, Lovy and Fathoroni, F (2019) Bukti Korespondensi :Enhancement Students’ Problem-Solving Ability through Inquiry Learning Model Integrated with Advance Organizers on the Concept of Work and Energy". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Nisyah, Mir’Atun and Kusdiastuti, Mahesti and Herayanti, Lovy and Fathoroni, F (2019) Similarity Check: "Enhancement Students’ Problem-Solving Ability through Inquiry Learning Model Integrated with Advance Organizers on the Concept of Work and Energy". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Sahidu, Hairunisyah and Herayanti, Lovy and Suranti, N M Y and Yahya, F (2019) Similarity Check: "Using Virtual Laboratory to Improve Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills on Thermodynamics Concept". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Sahidu, Hairunisyah and Herayanti, Lovy and Suranti, N Y M and Yahya, F (2019) Bukti Korespondensi : "Using Virtual Laboratory to Improve Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills on Thermodynamics Concept ". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Sahidu, Hairunisyah and Taufik, Muhammad and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Project-based learning on media development course to improve creativity of prospective physics teacher". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Sahidu, Hairunisyah and Taufik, Muhammad and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Similarity Check: "Project-based learning on media development course to improve creativity of prospective physics teacher". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Sahidu, Hairunisyah and Susilawati, Susi and Harjono, Ahmad and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) BUkti KOrespondensi: "Learning Management System with Moodle to Enhance Creativity of Candidate Physics Teacher". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Sahidu, Hairunisyah and Susilawati, Susilawati and Harjono, Ahmad and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Similarity Check: "Learning Management System with Moodle to Enhance Creativity of Candidate Physics Teacher". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Susilawati, Susilawati and Dewi, S M and Herayanti, Lovy and Lestari, P A S and Fathoroni, F (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Gender Influence on Students Creativity in Physics Learning with Virtual Laboratory". [Artefact]
Gunawan, Gunawan and Susilawati, Susilawati and Dewi, S M and Herayanti, Lovy and Lestari, P A S and Fathoroni, F (2019) Similarity Check: "Gender Influence on Students Creativity in Physics Learning with Virtual Laboratory". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2019) Similarity Check: “Mobile Learning with Oriented Nature of Science (NOS): Does undergraduate school need it?". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2019) Similarity Check: “Mobile Technology On Learning Through Mobile-NOS Model To Enhance Students Awareness Of Epistemology Of Science". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and Suryati, Suryati and hulyadi, hulyadi and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2019) Similarity Check : "Do Understanding Nature of Science (NOS) Play Role to Students Understanding Chemistry Concept and Science Process Skill?". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and suryati, suryati and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Mobile Learning with Oriented Nature of Science (NOS): Does undergraduate school need it?". [Artefact]
Khery, Yusran and Nufida, Baiq Asma and suryati, suryati and hulyadi, hulyadi and Rahayu, Sri and Budiasih, Endang (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Do Understanding Nature of Science (NOS) Play Role to Students Understanding Chemistry Concept and Science Process Skill?". [Artefact]
Kusdiastuti, Mahesti and Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Nisyah, Mir’Atun and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Bukti Korespondensi: "Development of guided inquiry learning tools combined with advance organizer to increase students’ understanding of physics concept". [Artefact]
Kusdiastuti, Mahesti and Gunawan, Gunawan and Harjono, Ahmad and Nisyah, Mir’Atun and Herayanti, Lovy (2019) Similarity Check: "Development of guided inquiry learning tools combined with advance organizer to increase students’ understanding of physics concept". [Artefact]
Muhali, Muhali and Yuanita, Leny and Ibrahim, Muslimin (2019) Bukti Korespondesi; "The Validity and Effectiveness of The Reflective-Metacognitive Learning Model in Improving Students’ Metacognitive Ability in Indonesia". [Artefact]
Muhali, Muhali and Yuanita, Leny and Ibrahim, Muslimin (2019) Similarity Check: "The Validity and Effectiveness of The Reflective-Metacognitive Learning Model in Improving Students’ Metacognitive Ability in Indonesia". [Artefact]
Arrafii, Arsyad (2019) Corresponding and Revisions: "Grades and Grade Inflation: Exploration of Teachers' Practice of Grading in Indonesian EFL Secondary Classroom". Pedagogy, Culture and Society. (Submitted)
Prayogi, Saiful and Muhali, Muhali and Yuliyanti, Sri and As'ary, Muhammad and Azmi, Irham and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Presenting Anomalous Data on Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Ability. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.
Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2019) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: Conceptual Framework of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Preservice Physics Teachers. IOP Publishing.
Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Prayogi, S. and Gummah, S. and Muliadi, A. and Yusup, M.Y. (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Conflict-Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry Learning towards Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Ability. JPII - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia.
Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Scientific Creativity in Inquiry Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Teacher. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.
Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Ayub, S. and Prayogi, S. (2019) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: Effectiveness of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers. IOP Publishing.