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Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Implementasi Lesson Study pada Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar Matematika di Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Negeri Malang. PeDaPAUD, 1 (1). ISSN e-ISSN (online) 2828-0369, p-ISSN (cetak) 2828-1748

Anita, Erna (2022) Optimalisasi Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) Jero Juangga dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kreativitas Melalui Kerajinan Tangan dengan Pemanfaatan Sampah.

Arjudin, Arjudin and Sa’dijah, Cholis and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2020) Characteristic Of The Incomplete Mathematical Connections In Understanding Of Algebraic Problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 9 (03). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616

Asy'ari, M. and Prayogi, S. and Mirawati, B. and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Hunaepi, Hunaepi and Syahrir, Syahrir and Suhirman, Suhirman (2021) Prosiding: Development of Physics Learning Tools Based on Inquiry to Increase Creative Thinking Skills. The 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (ICTAP2020), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1816. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Chupradit, Supat and Tashtoush, Mohammad A. and Al-Muttar, Mohammed Yousif Oudah and Mahmudiono, Trias and Dwijendra, Ngakan Ketut Acwin and Chaudhary, Purnima and Ali, Muneam Hussein and Alkhayyat, Ahmed and Dr. Sutarto, Dr. Sutarto (2022) A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for the Population-Based Transportation Network Planning. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 21 (2). ISSN ISSN 1598-7248, EISSN 2234-6473

Ernita, N and Muin, A and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Prayogi, S. (2021) Prosiding: The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model Based on Laboratory and Achievement Motivation Toward Students' Physics Learning Outcomes. The 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (ICTAP2020) , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1816. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2019) Shifting of perfective metacognitive activities in solve math problems. ICOPAMBS 2019 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1465

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Development of Student Books Characterized by Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Mathematics Problem Solving Ability. JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika), 6 (1). pp. 36-50. ISSN p-ISSN 2597-7512 , e-ISSN 2614-1175

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, Sutarto and Supiyati, Sri (2022) Etnomathematics: System of Mangse and Determination of Ngandang Rowot on Rowot Sasak Calendar. Social Science Journal, 12 (2).

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, SutartoChairun and Nasirin, Chairun (2020) The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to the Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 8 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN p-ISSN: 2338-4530 , e-ISSN: 2540-7899

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8 (3). pp. 942-947. ISSN 42-947

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2020) Development Of Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning Model To Improve Elementary School Students‘ Metacognitive Ability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 9 (02). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2020) The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning in Improving Metacognitive Skill of Elementary School Students. International Journal of Instruction, 13 (4). pp. 315-330. ISSN e-ISSN: 1308-1470

Hidayat, Rahman and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2022) Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 KEDIRI dengan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division (Stad) dan Numbered Head Together (NHT) Pada Materi Sistim Koordinat Kartesius Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. PeDaPAUD, 1 (1). ISSN e-ISSN (online) 2828-0369, p-ISSN (cetak) 2828-1748

Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Identifying and Correcting Students’ Misconceptions in Defining Angle and Triangle. European Journal of Educational Research, 11 (3). ISSN 2165-8714

Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzanni, Ahmad and Ahmad, Hariadi and Rahman, Arif and Hardiani, Nur (2022) Improving Content Knowledge and Technological Skill of University Instructors: A Case Study for Online Learning Implementation during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 59 (2022). ISSN 1021-3619

Muqorobin, Muqorobin and Komarudin, Komarudin and Badrujaman, A. and Arthur, R. and Prayogi, S. (2022) Prosiding: CIPP vs Kirkpatrick in the Evaluation of Physics Teacher Competency Development Programs: Literature Study. The 1st International Conference Science Physics and Education 2021 (ICSPE 2021) , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2165. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Nissa, Ita Chairun and Sukarma, I Ketut and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) Problem-based learning with role-playing: An experiment on prospective mathematics teachers. Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 13 (1). pp. 14-32.

Prayogi, Saiful and Ahzan, Sukainil and Indriaturrahmi, Indriaturrahmi and Rokhmat, Joni (2022) Corresponding: "Opportunities to Stimulate Critical Thinking Performance of Preservice Science Teachers through the Ethno-Inquiry Model in e-Learning Platform". International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20 (9). (Submitted)

Rahman, Arif and Asmaradhani, Ahmad Idris and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) Phonological Investigation Into Students’ Mispronunciation Of English Words Containing Phonemes Absent In Indonesian. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 9 (04). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616

Subagio, Subagio and Muliadi, Agus and Sutarto, Sutarto (2021) Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Calon Guru : Mediasi Gender? JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia, 4 (1). ISSN p-ISSN 2722-8134, e-ISSN 2620-8466

Sundri, Emi (2022) Pelatihan Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran Sains Fun Learning di Masa Pandemi COVID-19.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat (2020) An analysis of students' difficulties in conjecturing process of block paving problems. ICOPAMBS 2019 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1465

Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat (2019) The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning to Improve Students’ Conjecturing Ability in Solving Block Paving Problems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 8 (10). ISSN ISSN 2277-8616

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Fuster-Guill´en, Doris and Garay, Jessica Paola Palacios and Hernandez, Ronald M. and Namaziandost, Ehsan (2022) The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Metacognitive Ability in the Conjecturing Process of Junior High School Students. Hindawi, 2022.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Haifaturrahmah, Haifaturrahmah (2020) Analisis Kemampuan Metakognisi Mahasiswa PGSD Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika. JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia, 3 (1). pp. 61-71. ISSN p-ISSN 2722-8134, e-ISSN 2620-8466

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Listiawan, Tomi and Sutopo, Sutopo and Komariah, Aan and Dabirnia, Mohammadreza (2021) Fourth-Grade Primary School Students’ Misconception on Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Hindawi, 2021.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Maulachela, Adam Bachtiar and Ardi, Raden Fanny Printi (2022) An Assistive Technology to Enhance Conjecturing Abilities of Slow Learners: A Mobile Application Design. Social Science Journal, 12 (3). pp. 2813-2823. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Supiyati, Sri (2021) Etnomatematika: Eksplorasi Transformasi Geometri Tenun Suku Sasak Sukarara. Jurnal Elemen, 7 (2). pp. 324-335.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzaki, Ahmad and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Fujiaturrahman, Sukron and Untu, Zainuddin (2021) Development of an Ethnomathematics-Based e-Module to Improve Students’ Metacognitive Ability in 3D Geometry Topic. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologie (iJIM), 16 (03). ISSN e-ISSN: 1865-7923

Syahrir, Syahrir and Prayogi, S. (2022) Prosiding: The Effect of Brain-Based Learning on Student' Mathematical Communication Ability Viewed from Creativities in the Thematic Subjects of Science Physics – Mathematics. The 1st International Conference Science Physics and Education 2021 (ICSPE 2021) , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2165. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2019) Prosiding: Conceptual Framework of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Preservice Physics Teachers. ICRIEMS 6 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1397. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2021) Prosiding: The Effectiveness of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Preservice-Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability Viewed from Cognitive Style. MISEIC 2020 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1747. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Ayub, S. and Prayogi, S. (2019) Prosiding: Effectiveness of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers. MISEIC 2019 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1417. ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 1742-6588 (Print)

Zhou, Xuejun and Ilhan, Onur Alp and Zhou, Fangyuan and Sutarto, Sutarto and Manafian, Jalil and Abotaleb, Mostafa (2021) Lump and Interaction Solutions to the (3 + 1)-Dimensional Variable-Coefficient Nonlinear Wave Equation with Multidimensional Binary Bell Polynomials. Hindawi Journal of Function Spaces, 2021.


Ananda, Albaihaqi Diva (2022) Sepak Bola Mini dan Bank Sampah. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.

Fathurrohim, M. (2022) Pengenalan Dasar-Dasar Komputer pada Anak di Desa Marong, Lombok Tengah. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.

Fitria, Yulia (2022) Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair dari Kotoran Sapi. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.

Komalasari, Nurfitriani (2022) Pembuatan Pestisida untuk Mengatasi Kutu Putih di Tanaman Menggunakan Teknik Fermentasi 2 Malam. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.

Mardiana, Ana (2022) Pengolahan Limbah Kotoran Sapi Menjadi Pupuk Organik Padat (POP) untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Lingkungan. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.

Muliani, Linda (2022) Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair dan Padat dari Limbah Sehari-hari. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.

Ratu, Lintang Maryones Dhampa (2022) Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Dan Botol Bekas Menjadi Media Tanam Melalui Vertikultur Sawi. Other thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika.


Fajri, Siti Rabiatul and Armiani, Sucika and Sukri, Akhmad and Maryanto, Ibnu (2022) Bukti Korespondensi: "A report of ectoparasites on cave nectar bat (Eonycteris spelaea) among cave-dwelling in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia". [Artefact]

Fajri, Siti Rabiatul and Armiani, Sucika and Sukri, Akhmad and Maryanto, Ibnu (2022) Similarity Check: "A report of ectoparasites on cave nectar bat (Eonycteris spelaea) among cave-dwelling in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.". [Artefact]

Fajri, Siti Rabiatul and Primawati, Sri Nopita and Hadi, Islamul and Tresnani, Galuh (2017) Bukti Korespondensi: "New Record Phoniscusatrox in The Developed Ecotourism Area of South Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara". [Artefact]

Fajri, Siti Rabiatul and Primawati, Sri Nopita and Hadi, Islamul and Tresnani, Galuh (2017) Similarity Check: "New Record Phoniscusatrox in The Developed Ecotourism Area of South Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara". [Artefact]

Fajri, Siti Rabiatul and Primawati, Sri Nopita and Hadi, Islamul and Tresnani, Galuh (2018) Similarity Check:"NEW RECORD OF Rhinopoma microphyllum WITH THE INVESTED PARASITES AND MICROBES IN THE DEVELOPED ECOTOURISM AREA OF SOUTH LOMBOK ISLAND NTB". [Artefact]

Sukri, Akhmad and Dewi, Ika Nurani and Primawati, Sri Nopita and Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan and Winaya, Aris (2022) Bukti Korespondensi: "Revealing the genetic diversity of Sumbawa endemic horse using microsatellite-based DNA fingerprint". [Artefact]

Sukri, Akhmad and Dewi, Ika Nurani and Primawati, Sri Nopita and Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan and Winaya, Aris (2022) Similarity Check: "Revealing the genetic diversity of Sumbawa endemic horse using microsatellite-based DNA fingerprint". [Artefact]

Wangiyana, I Gde Adi Suryawan and Nugraheni, Yosephin Martha Maria Anita and Anggadhania, Lutfi and Soetarto, Endang Sutariningsih (2021) Morphological and DNA Polymorphism Analyses of Fusarium solani Isolated from Gyrinops versteegii in the West Nusa Tenggara Forest. [Artefact]


Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Implementasi Lesson Study pada Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar Matematika di Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Negeri Malang. PeDaPAUD. (Submitted)

Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Implementasi Lesson Study pada Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar Matematika di Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Negeri Malang. PeDaPAUD. (Submitted)

Ahzan, Sukainil and Darminto, Darminto and Nugroho, Ferry Anggoro Ardy and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Thin Layers Using Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: e-Saintika. (Submitted)

Arjudin, Arjudin and Sa’dijah, Cholis and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Characteristic Of The Incomplete Mathematical Connections In Understanding Of Algebraic Problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Arjudin, Arjudin and Sa’dijah, Cholis and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Characteristic Of The Incomplete Mathematical Connections In Understanding Of Algebraic Problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Asy'ari, M. and Prayogi, S. and Mirawati, B and Syarifudding, Syarifuddin and Hunaepi, Hunaepi and Syahrir, Syahrir and Suhirman, Suhirman (2021) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: Development of physics learning tools based on inquiry to increase creative thinking skills. IOP Publishing.

Asy'ari, M. and Prayogi, S. and Mirawati, B. and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Hunaepi, Hunaepi and Syahrir, Syahrir and Suhirman, Suhirman (2022) Development of physics learning tools based on inquiry to increase creative thinking skills. ICTAP2020 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Asy'ari, Muhammad and Prayogi, Saiful and Mirawati, Baiq and Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin and Hunaepi, Hunaepi and Syahrir, Syahrir and Suhirman, Suhirman (2021) Development of physics learning tools based on inquiry to increase creative. IOP Publishing Ltd., Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Chupradit, Supat and Tashtoush, Mohammad A. and Al-Muttar, Mohammed Yousif Oudah and Mahmudiono, Trias and Dwijendra, Ngakan Ketut Acwin and Chaudhary, Purnima and Ali, Muneam Hussein and Alkhayyat, Ahmed and Dr. Sutarto, Dr. Sutarto (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for the Population-Based Transportation Network Planning. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems. (Submitted)

Chupradit, Supat and Tashtoush, Mohammad A. and Al-Muttar, Mohammed Yousif Oudah and Mahmudiono, Trias and Dwijendra, Ngakan Ketut Acwin and Chaudhary, Purnima and Ali, Muneam Hussein and Alkhayyat, Ahmed and Dr. Sutarto, Dr. Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for the Population-Based Transportation Network Planning. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems. (Submitted)

Doyan, Aris and Leong, Chew Lee and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Kurnia, Kiki Adi and Susilawati, Susilawati and Prayogi, Saiful and Narkkum, Thanitporn and Faungnawakij, Kajornsak (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Cigarette Butt Waste as Material for Phase Inverted Membrane Fabrication Used for Oil/Water Emulsion Separation. Polymers. (Submitted)

Doyan, Aris and Leong, Chew Lee and Bilad, Muhammad Roil and Susilawati, Susilawati and Prayogi, Saiful and Narkkun, Thanitporn and Faungnawakij, Kajornsak (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Cigarette Butt Waste as Material for Phase Inverted Membrane Fabrication Used for Oil/Water Emulsion Separation. Polymers.

Doyan, Aris and Susilawati, Susilawati and Prayogi, Saiful and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Arif, Muhamad F. and Ismail, Noor Maizura (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Polymer Film Blend of Polyvinyl Alcohol, Trichloroethylene and Cresol Red for Gamma Radiation Dosimetry. Polymers.

Doyan, Aris and Susilawati, Susilawati and Prayogi, Saiful and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Arif, Muhamad Fatikul and Ismail, Noor Maizura (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Polymer Film Blend of Polyvinyl Alcohol, Trichloroethylene and Cresol Red for Gamma Radiation Dosimetry. Polymers. (Submitted)

Ernita, N and Muin, A and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Prayogi, S. (2021) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: The effect of inquiry learning model based on laboratory and achievement motivation torward students' physics learning outcomes. IOP Publishing.

Ernita, N. and Muin, A. and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Prayogi, S. (2022) The effect of inquiry learning model based on laboratory and achievement motivation toward students' physics learning outcomes. ICTAP2020 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Ernita, Nevi and Muin, Abdul and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful (2021) The effect of inquiry learning model based on laboratory and achievement motivation toward students' physics learning outcomes. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Evendi, Erpin and Al Kusaeri, Al Kusaeri and Pardi, M. Habib Husnial and Sucipto, Lalu and Bayani, Faizul and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Assessing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Viewed from Cognitive Style: Study on Implementation of Problem-Based e-Learning Model in Mathematics Courses. EJMSTE - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.

Evendi, Erpin and Al Kusaeri, Al Kusaeri and Pardi, M. Habib Husnial and Sucipto, Lalu and Bayani, Faizul and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Assessing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Viewed from Cognitive Style: Study on Implementation of Problem-Based e-Learning Model in Mathematics Courses. MODESTUM - EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. (Submitted)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Education (2019) Certificate ICOPAMBS 2019 - In The International Conference on Physics and Mathematics for Biological Science. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, University of Jember.

Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2019) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Shifting of perfective metacognitive activities in solve math problems. IOP Publishing. (Submitted)

Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Shifting of perfective metacognitive activities in solve math problems. IOP Publishing. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Sutarto, Sutarto (2021) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Development of Student Books Characterized by Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Mathematics Problem Solving Ability. JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika). (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Ahyansyah, Ahyansyah and Mawaddah, Sukma and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Development of Student Books Characterized by Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education to Support Mathematics Problem Solving Ability. JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika). (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, Sutarto and Nasirin, Chairun (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to the Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, Sutarto and Nasirin, Chairun (2022) Cek Plagiasi: The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to the Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, Sutarto and Supiyati, Sri BUKTI CORESPONDING: Etnomathematics: System of Mangse and Determination of Ngandang Rowot on Rowot Sasak Calendar. Res Militaris.

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Mariyati, Yuni and Sutarto, Sutarto and Supiyati, Sri (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Etnomathematics: System of Mangse and Determination of Ngandang Rowot on Rowot Sasak Calendar. Res Militaris. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan. Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Interaction Pattern of Inquiry Learning on Data Collection and Presentation Material at SDN 13 Ampenan. Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto (2019) Cek Plagiasi: Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan (LPP) Mandala, Indonesia.

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Development Of Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning Model To Improve Elementary School Students‘ Metacognitive Ability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning in Improving Metacognitive Skill of Elementary School Students. International Journal of Instruction. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Development Of Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning Model To Improve Elementary School Students‘ Metacognitive Ability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat and Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik (2022) Cek Plagiasi: The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning in Improving Metacognitive Skill of Elementary School Students. International Journal of Instruction. (Submitted)

Hidayat, Rahman and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 KEDIRI dengan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division (Stad) dan Numbered Head Together (NHT) Pada Materi Sistim Koordinat Kartesius Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. PeDaPAUD. (Submitted)

Hidayat, Rahman and Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 KEDIRI dengan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division (Stad) dan Numbered Head Together (NHT) Pada Materi Sistim Koordinat Kartesius Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. PeDaPAUD. (Submitted)

Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Identifying and Correcting Students’ Misconceptions in Defining Angle and Triangle. CC BY licensce (Submitted)

Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Identifying and Correcting Students’ Misconceptions in Defining Angle and Triangle. CC BY licensce

Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzanni, Ahmad and Ahmad, Hariadi and Rahman, Arif and Hardiani, Nur (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Improving Content Knowledge and Technological Skill of University Instructors: A Case Study for Online Learning Implementation during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Creative Commons Attribution License. (Submitted)

Kusno, Kusno and Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzanni, Ahmad and Ahmad, Hariadi and Rahman, Arif and Hardiani, Nur (2020) Improving Content Knowledge and Technological Skill of University Instructors: A Case Study for Online Learning Implementation during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Creative Commons Attribution License.

Menap, Menap and Bayani, Faizul and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) Problem-Based Learning in Phytochemistry Courses: Its' Effectiveness in Improving Medical Students' Critical Thinking Ability Viewed from Cognitive Style. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA). (Submitted)

Menap, Menap and Bayani, Faizul and Prayogi, Saiful (2021) Problem-Based Learning in Phytochemistry Courses: Its' Effectiveness in Improving Medical Students' Critical Thinking Ability Viewed from Cognitive Style. Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA Universitas Mataram, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Mohammed, Haetham G. and Albarody, Thar Mohammed and Susilawati, Susilawati and Gohari, Soheil and Doyan, Aris and Prayogi, Saiful and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Alebrahim, Reza and Saeed, Anwar Ameen Hezam (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Process Optimization of in Situ Magnetic-Anisotropy Spark Plasma Sintering of m-Type-Based Barium Hexaferrite BaFe12O19. Materials.

Mohammed, Haetham G. and Albarody, Thar Mohammed Badri and Susilawati, Susilawati and Gohari, Soheil and Doyan, Aris and Prayogi, Saiful and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Alebrahim, Reza and Saeed, Anwar Ameen Hezam (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Process Optimization of In Situ Magnetic-Anisotropy Spark Plasma Sintering of M-Type-Based Barium Hexaferrite BaFe12O19. Materials. (Submitted)

Muliadi, Agus and Mirawati, Baiq and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) The Effect Entrepreneurship Education and Subjective Norm on Biology Students' Self-Efficacy in Entrepreneurial. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Muliadi, Agus and Mirawati, Baiq and Prayogi, Saiful (2021) The Effect Entrepreneurship Education and Subjective Norm on Biology Students' Self-Efficacy in Entrepreneurial. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA), Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful and Bahalwan, Farida and Nirmala, Wa and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2022) Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Preservice Teacher's Perception. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA). (Submitted)

Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful and Bahalwan, Farida and Nirmala, Wa and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2021) Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: preservice teacher's perception. Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA Universitas Mataram, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful and Mirawati, Baiq and Azmi, Irham and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2019) Efek Strategi Konflik Kognitif dalam Pembelajaran berbasis Model Inkuiri terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA), Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful and Mirawati, Baiq and Azmi, Irham and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2022) Efek Strategi Konflik dalam Pembelajaran berbasis Model Inkuiri terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram. (Submitted)

Muqorobin, Muqorobin and Komarudin, Komarudin and Badrujaman, A. and Arthhur, R. and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) CIPP vs kirkpatrick in the evaluation of physics teacher competency development programs: literature study. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Muqorobin, Muqorobin and Komarudin, Komarudin and Badrujaman, A. and Arthur, R. and Prayogi, S. (2022) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: CIPP vs kirkpatrick in the evaluation of physics teacher competency development programs: literature study. IOP Publishing.

Muqorobin, Muqorobin and Komarudin, Komarudin and Badrujaman, A. and Arthur, R. and Prayogi, S. (2022) CIPP vs kirkpatrick in the evaluation of physics teacher competency development programs: literature study. ICSPE 2021 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Nissa, Ita Chairun and Sukarma, I Ketut and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Problem-based learning with role-playing: An experiment on prospective mathematics teachers. Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika. (Submitted)

Nissa, Ita Chairun and Sukarma, I Ketut and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Problem-based learning with role-playing: An experiment on prospective mathematics teachers. Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika. (Submitted)

Prayogi, Saiful and Ahzan, Sukainil and Indriaturrahmi, Indriaturrahmi and Rokhmat, Joni (2022) Uji Plagiasi: "Opportunities to Stimulate Critical Thinking Performance of Preservice Science Teachers through the Ethno-Inquiry Model in e-Learning Platform". International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research.

Prayogi, Saiful and Arif, Muhamad F. and Ismail, Noor Maizura and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Asy'ari, Muhammad and Susilawati, Susilawati (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Optical Properties and Conductivity of PVA–H3PO4 (Polyvinyl Alcohol–Phosphoric Acid) Film Blend Irradiated by γ-rays. Polymers.

Prayogi, Saiful and Muhali, Muhali and Yuliyanti, Sri and As'ary, Muhammad and Azmi, Irham and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Presenting Anomalous Data on Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Ability. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.

Prayogi, Saiful and Muhali, Muhali and Yuliyanti, Sri and As'ary, Muhammad and Azmi, Irham and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2022) The Effect of Presenting Anomalous Data on Improving Student's Critical Thinking Ability. iJET. (Submitted)

Prayogi, Saiful and Muhali, Muhali and Yuliyanti, Sri and As'ary, Muhammad and Azmi, Irham and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2019) The Effect of Presenting Anomalous Data on Improving Student's Critical Thinking Ability. Kassel University Press GMBH, Germany, Germany.

Prayogi, Saiful and Muliadi, Agus and Nufida, Baiq Asma (2022) Kepuasan Pemangku Kepentingan pada Layanan Manajemen Kelembagaan di Fakultas Penyelenggara Pendidikan Swasta. Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika IKIP Mataram, Lensa: Jurnal Kependidikan Fisika. (Submitted)

Prayogi, Saiful and Muliadi, Agus and Nufida, Baiq Asma (2021) Kepuasan Pemangku Kepentingan pada Layanan Manajemen Kelembagaan di Fakultas Penyelenggara Pendidikan Swasta. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA), Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Prayogi, Saiful and Samsuri, Taufik and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Rahmawati, Rahmawati (2020) Propective Science-Teachers' Services Satisfaction: an Exploratory Studies in Private Education Institutions in Indonesia. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Prayogi, Saiful and Samsuri, Taufik and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Rahmawati, Rahmawati (2022) Prospective Science-Teachers' Services Satisfaction: An Exploratory Studies in Private Education Institutions in Indonesia. Bioscientist: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi. (Submitted)

Prayogi, Saiful and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2020) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Conflict Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry-based Learning on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. ECPS Journal.

Prayogi, Saiful and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2022) The Effect of Conflict Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry-based Learning on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. ECPS Journal. (Submitted)

Prayogi, Saiful and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu (2020) The Effect of Conflict Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry-based Learning on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. LED, Edizioni Universitarie - Italy, Italy.

Prayogi, Saiful and Yuanita, Leny and Wasis, Wasis (2017) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Critical Inquiry Based Learning: A Model of Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Among Prospective Teachers of Physic. TUSED - Journal of Turkish Science Education.

Prayogi, Saiful and Yuanita, Leny and Wasis, Wasis (2022) Critical Inquiry Based Learning: A Model of Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Among Prospective Teachers of Physic. Journal of Turkish Science Educaton (TUSED). (Submitted)

Prayogi, Saiful and Yuanita, Leny and Wasis, Wasis (2018) Critical Inquiry Based Learning: A Model of Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Among Prospective Teachers of Physic. Ekip Limited - Turkey, Turkey.

Rahman, Arif and Asmaradhani, Ahmad Idris and Sutarto, Sutarto (2020) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Phonological Investigation Into Students’ Mispronunciation Of English Words Containing Phonemes Absent In Indonesian. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Rahman, Arif and Asmaradhani, Ahmad Idris and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Phonological Investigation Into Students’ Mispronunciation Of English Words Containing Phonemes Absent In Indonesian. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Subagio, Subagio and Muliadi, Agus and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Calon Guru : Mediasi Gender? JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia. (Submitted)

Subagio, Subagio and Muliadi, Agus and Sutarto, Sutarto (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Calon Guru : Mediasi Gender? JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia. (Submitted)

Suhirman, Suhirman and Prayogi, Saiful and Asy'ari, Muhammad (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Problem-Based Learning with Character-Emphasis and Naturalist Intelligence: Examining Students Critical Thinking and Curiosity. IJI - International Journal of Instruction.

Suhirman, Suhirman and Prayogi, Saiful and Asy'ari, Muhammad (2022) Problem-Based Learning with Character-Emphasis and Naturalist Intelligence: Examining Students Critical Thinking and Curiosity. International Journal of Instruction. (Submitted)

Suhirman, Suhirman and Prayogi, Saiful and Asy'ari, Muhammad (2021) Problem-Based Learning with Character-Emphasis and Naturalist Intelligence: Examining Students Critical Thinking and Curiosity. Faculty of Education, Eskisehir Osmangazi University - Turkey, Turkey.

Suhirman, Suhirman and Yusuf, Yusuf and Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students' Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. Kassel University Press GMBH, Germany, Germany.

Suhirman, Yusuf and Muliadi, Agus and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students' HIgher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. iJET. (Submitted)

Suhirman, Yusuf and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.

Susilawati, Susilawati and Prayogi, Saiful and Arif, Muhamad F. and Ismail, Noor Maizura and Bilad, Muhamad Roil and Asy'ari, Muhammad (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Optical Properties and Conductivity of PVA–H3PO4 (Polyvinyl Alcohol–Phosphoric Acid) Film Blend Irradiated by γ-rays. Polymers. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat (2019) BUKTI CORESPONDING: An analysis of students' difficulties in conjecturing process of block paving problems. IOP Publishing. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, I D and Surahmat, Surahmat (2022) Cek Plagiasi: An analysis of students' difficulties in conjecturing process of block paving problems. IOP Publishing. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning to Improve Students’ Conjecturing Ability in Solving Block Paving Problems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Dafik, Dafik and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Surahmat, Surahmat (2022) Cek Plagiasi: The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning to Improve Students’ Conjecturing Ability in Solving Block Paving Problems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi (2021) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan - Karya Ilmiah - Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Conjecturing Siswa SMP. Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Fuster-Guillen, Doris and Garay, Jessica Paola Palacios and Hernandez, Ronald M. and Namaziandost, Ehsan (2022) Cek Plagiasi: The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Metacognitive Ability in the Conjecturing Process of Junior High School Students. Education Research International.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Fuster-Guillen, Doris and Garay, JessicaPaolaPalacios and Hernandez, Ronald M. and Namaziandost, Ehsan (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Metacognitive Ability in the Conjecturing Process of Junior High School Students. Education Research International.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Haifaturrahmah, Haifaturrahmah (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Analisis Kemampuan Metakognisi Mahasiswa PGSD Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika. JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Haifaturrahmah, Haifaturrahmah (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Analisis Kemampuan Metakognisi Mahasiswa PGSD Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika. JPIn: Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Listiawan, Tomi and Sutopo, Sutopo and Komariah, Aan and Dabirnia, Mohammadreza (2021) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Fourth-Grade Primary School Students’ Misconception on Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Education Research International.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Listiawan, Tomi and Sutopo, Sutopo and Komariah, Aan and Dabirnia, Mohammadreza (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Fourth-Grade Primary School Students’ Misconception on Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Education Research International.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Maulachela, Adam Bachtiar and Ardi, Raden Fanny Printi (2022) An Assistive Technology to Enhance Conjecturing Abilities of Slow Learners: A Mobile Application Design. Res Militaris.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Maulachela, Adam Bachtiar and Ardi, Raden Fanny Printi (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: An Assistive Technology to Enhance Conjecturing Abilities of Slow Learners: A Mobile Application Design. Res Militaris. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Maulachela, Adam Bachtiar and Ardi, Raden Fanny Printi (2022) BUKTI CORESPONDING: An Assistive Technology to Enhance Conjecturing Abilities of Slow Learners: A Mobile Application Design. Res Militaris. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Maulachela, Adam Bachtiar and Ardi, Raden Fanny Printi (2022) Cek Plagiasi: An Assistive Technology to Enhance Conjecturing Abilities of Slow Learners: A Mobile Application Design. Res Militaris.

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Sukarma, I Ketut and Untu, Zainuddin (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Ethnomathematics-based E-Module Development for Improving Conjecturing Ability in Object Configuration Materials. Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Supiyati, Sri (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Etnomatematika: Eksplorasi Transformasi Geometri Tenun Suku Sasak Sukarara. Jurnal Elemen. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Supiyati, Sri (2021) Cek Plagiasi: Etnomatematika: Eksplorasi Transformasi Geometri Tenun Suku Sasak Sukarara. Jurnal Elemen. (Submitted)

Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzaki, Ahmad and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Fujiaturrahman, Sukron and Untu, Zainuddin (2021) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Development of an Ethnomathematics-Based e-Module to Improve Students’ Metacognitive Ability in 3D Geometry Topic. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologie (iJIM).

Sutarto, Sutarto and Muzaki, Ahmad and Hastuti, Intan Dwi and Fujiaturrahman, Sukron and Untu, Zainuddin (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Development of an Ethnomathematics-Based e-Module to Improve Students’ Metacognitive Ability in 3D Geometry Topic. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologie (iJIM). (Submitted)

Syahrir, Syahrir and Prayogi, S (2022) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: The effect of brain-based learning on student’ mathematical communication ability viewed from creativities in the thematic subjects of science physics - mathematics. IOP Publishing.

Syahrir, Syahrir and Prayogi, S. (2022) The effect of brain-based learning on students' mathematical communication ability viewed from creativities in the thematic subjects of science physics - mathematics. ICSPE 2021 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Syahrir, Syahrir and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) The effect of brain-based learning on student' mathematical communication ability viewed from creativities thematic subjects of science physics - mathematics. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2019) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: Conceptual Framework of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Preservice Physics Teachers. IOP Publishing.

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2021) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: The Effectiveness of reflective-inquiry learning model to improve preservice-teachers' critical thinking ability viewed from cognitive style. IOP Publishing.

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2022) Conceptual Framework of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Preservice Physics Teachers. ICRIEMS6 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. (2022) The Effectiveness of reflective-inquiry learning model to improve preservicce-teachers' critical thinking ability viewed from cognitive style. MISEIC2020 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. and Bilad, M.R. (2022) Reflective Practices in Inquiry Learning: Its Effectiveness in Training Pre-Service Teachers' Critical Thinking Viewed from Cognitive Styles. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia (JPII), Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Prayogi, S. and Gummah, S. and Muliadi, A. and Yusup, M.Y. (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Conflict-Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry Learning towards Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Ability. JPII - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia.

Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Prayogi, Saiful and Gummah, S. and Muliadi, A. and Yusup, M.Y. (2022) The Effect of Conflict-Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry Learning Towards Pre-Service Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang. (Submitted)

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Ernita, Nevi and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Enhancing the Reasoning Performance of STEM Students in Modern Physics Courses Using Virtual Simulation in the LMS Platform. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. (Submitted)

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Ernita, Nevi and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Enhancing the Reasoning Performance of STEM Students in Modern Physics Courses Using Virtual Simulation in the LMS Platform. i-JET. (Submitted)

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, S. and Bilad, M.R. (2021) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: Reflective Practices in Inquiry Learning: Its Effectiveness in Training Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Viewed from Cognitive Styles. JPII - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, Saiful (2019) Conceptual Framework of Reflective-Inquiry Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Preservice Physics Teachers. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Models Intervened by Reflective Processes to Promote Critical Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style. iJET. (Submitted)

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Models Intervened by Reflective Processes to Promote Critical Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style. Kassel University Press GMBH, Germany, Germany.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, Saiful (2021) The Effectiveness of reflective-inquiry learning model to improve preservice-teachers' critical thinking ability viewed from cognitive style. IOP Publishing Ltd., Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Hikmawati, Hikmawati and Prayogi, Saiful and Bilad, Muhammad Roil (2021) Reflective Practices in Inquiry Learning: Its Effectiveness in Training Pre-Service Teachers' Critical Thinking Viewed from Cognitive Styles. Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful (2019) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effect of Scientific Creativity in Inquiry Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Teacher. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful (2020) BUKTI CORRESPONDING: The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Models Intervened by Reflective Processes to Promote Critical Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style. iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful and Gummah, Syifa'ul and Muliadi, Agus and Yusup, Muhammad Yusril (2019) The Effect of Conflict-Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry Learning towards Pre-Service Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability. Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful and Yusup, Muhammad Yusril and Taha, Hafsah (2020) Development of the Test Instrument for Measuring Students' Critical Thinking Abilities on Fluid Material. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA), Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Prayogi, Saiful and Yusup, Muhammad Yusril and Taha, Hafsah (2022) Development of the Test Instrument for Measuring Students' Critical Thinking skills on Fluid Material. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram. (Submitted)

Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Ayub, Syahrial and Putriawati, Wiwin and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) Uji Plagiasi: Effect of Inquiry Creative Process Learning Models on Improving the Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Science Teachers. Bioscientist: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi. (Submitted)

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Ayub, S. and Prayogi, S. (2019) Bukti Koresponding Prosiding: Effectiveness of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers. IOP Publishing.

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Ayub, S. and Prayogi, S. (2022) Conceptual Framework of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Skills of Physics Prospective Teachers. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia (JPFI). (Submitted)

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, N.N.S.P. and Ayub, S. and Prayogi, S. (2022) Effectiveness of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers. MISEC 2019 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Submitted)

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Ayub, Syahrial and Prayogi, Saiful (2019) Conceptual Framework of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Skills of Physics Prospective Teachers. Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Ayub, Syahrial and Prayogi, Saiful (2019) The Effect of Scientific Creativity in Inquiry Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Teacher. Kassel University Press GMBH, Germany, Germany.

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Ayub, Syahrial and Prayogi, Saiful (2022) The Effect of Scientific Creativity in Inquiry Learning to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Teachers. iJET. (Submitted)

Wahyudi, Wahyudi and Verawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu and Ayub, Syahrial and Prayogi, Saiful (2019) Effectiveness of Inquiry-Creative-Process Learning Model to Promote Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers. IOP Publishing Ltd..

Zhou, Xuejun and Ilhan, Onur Alp and Zhou, Fangyuan and Sutarto, Sutarto and Manafian, Jalil and Abotaleb, Mostafa (2021) BUKTI CORESPONDING: Lump and Interaction Solutions to the (3+1)-Dimensional Variable-Coefficient Nonlinear Wave Equation with Multidimensional Binary Bell Polynomials. Creative Commons Attribution License. (Submitted)

Zhou, Xuejun and Ilhan, Onur Alp and Zhou, Fangyuan and Sutarto, Sutarto and Manafian, Jalil and Abotaleb, Mostafa (2022) Cek Plagiasi: Lump and Interaction Solutions to the (3 + 1)-Dimensional Variable-Coefficient Nonlinear Wave Equation with Multidimensional Binary Bell Polynomials. Creative Commons Attribution License. (Submitted)

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 16:25:48 2025 UTC.